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Every Tree Matters

We embrace the Public Services (Social Value) Act 2012 and work closely with our clients and local community in the delivery of joint social and environmental benefits.

This weekend we worked with the local residents to transplant a much loved 15-year old tree that was positioned at the front of the Old Woking Community Centre (OWCC) and needed removal to enable the reconfiguration of the building.

On Saturday morning MCS worked with local residents and Acorn Groundworks to carefully dig up the tree and manoeuvre it 50 yards along the road to a nearby green area. This relocation secured the trees healthy future and provided an additional visual amenity for residents to enjoy for years to come.

We recognise that every tree matters. Trees are one of our most powerful weapons against climate change and are the ultimate carbon capture and storage machines through photosynthesis.

Justin Whiteman, Managing Director of MCS, said: “The climate change emergency is one of the biggest challenges that we have ever faced. It is a challenge requiring us to all pull in the same direction together to conserve and protect. We therefore recognise that every tree matters and were delighted to protect and transplant this much-loved tree.”

The refurbishment of the OWCC on behalf of Woking Borough Council will enable it to become more sustainable and therefore cheaper for the local community to operate. New features will include: an air source heat pump, PV panels, low energy lighting, low water use toilets as well as upgraded electric wiring throughout.

MCS is delighted to be delivering these works in collaboration with Synergy Construction & Property Consultants, Macallan Penfold Chartered Architects, Price & Myers, J&B Hopkins Ltd and Woking College.

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